Schriftmarke der Nerd Reoublic. Die Beratung für New Work und Agilität.

Welcome to the


We are a group of nerds who will help you build and develop a modern organization.
Drei Personen in futuristischen Uniformen stehen selbstbewusst unter einem klaren Himmel. Die Person in der Mitte trägt eine dunkle Schutzbrille, während die Person rechts einen metallischen Helm trägt, der ihr Gesicht bedeckt.
Drei Personen in futuristischen Uniformen stehen selbstbewusst unter einem klaren Himmel. Die Person in der Mitte trägt eine dunkle Schutzbrille, während die Person rechts einen metallischen Helm trägt, der ihr Gesicht bedeckt.

Entering the new world of work with courage

Systemic consulting
for organizations

Companies are confronted with increased complexity. Previous organizational and management approaches rarely, if ever, provide adequate solutions. On one hand, this is due to the fact that complexity and its effects are not really understood and, on the other, to the fact that once understood, the corresponding competence to act is lacking. It doesn't have to be this way. Besides numerous dangers, the environment also offers just as many opportunities. Opportunities to restructure organizations and make them robust against challenges. Opportunities to empower people and teams to organize themselves. Opportunities to free management from daily overload and turn them into true leaders. The Nerd Republic helps you to face this new environment with courage.

We make ourselves

Our goal is to build your transformation competence. We enable organizations to constantly change and adapt. To this end, we primarily work in three pillars. In these we will enable you to recognize what complexity is, how you can build up the competence to react to it and how you can anchor it sustainably in strong teams.

We take you on board early on and gradually transfer the transformation competence to you – until we are finally superfluous.


We are a b corp!

The Nerd Republic is a certified B Corporation and thus belongs to an international network of companies that are committed to an inclusive, fair and regenerative economy. We are a global community of companies that meet high social and environmental standards. This shapes the way we think and the way we act!
More on our Impact






OKR Champions

Laloux fans






At the Nerd Republic, we live the values that we teach. We are characterized by authenticity in our work. Our team relies on mutual trust and genuine partnerships - values that we also emphasize when working with our clients. We believe in open communication and mutual respect, which is reflected in every aspect of our advice.
About us

“We take our work and our contribution very seriously, but ourselves not always.”

With courses at the Nerd Academy

Get started

right away

The Nerd Academy is the ideal place to immerse yourself in numerous topics at your own pace. In addition to self-paced courses, you will also find our popular workshops and certification courses for SAFe, Management 3.0 and OKR. All courses are also available in an in-house format. If you are interested, please send us an e-mail.

Our favorite


You will find numerous courses at the Nerd Academy. They all evolve iteratively, so it's always worth booking early. As the price can change over time, it's always worth joining the self-study courses early. If you book one of our certification courses, such as SAFe, you will receive exclusive bonus material free of charge on top. This way, we ensure that you are well prepared to successfully obtain the certification and apply the knowledge in practice.


Luftaufnahme einer üppigen, grünen Landschaft mit gewundenen Flüssen, die inmitten der dichten Vegetation komplizierte Muster bilden.

Complexity and adaptive Systems (English)

Discover what defines complexity and how to make your organization future-ready.

Ein Plakat mit Menschen, die um einen Tisch sitzen für den Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop.

Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop (English)

Enter a new world of leadership and cooperation with this interactive workshop!


Ein kleiner Junge in einem Superheldenkostüm zeigt auf eine Mauer.

Leading SAFe (English)

Your course when it comes to gaining a comprehensive insight. Principles, planning cycles and portfolio. Everyone who wants to get started starts here.


Luftaufnahme einer üppigen, grünen Landschaft mit gewundenen Flüssen, die inmitten der dichten Vegetation komplizierte Muster bilden.

Complexity and adaptive Systems (English)

Discover what defines complexity and how to make your organization future-ready.

Ein Plakat mit Menschen, die um einen Tisch sitzen für den Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop.

Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop (English)

Enter a new world of leadership and cooperation with this interactive workshop!


Ein kleiner Junge in einem Superheldenkostüm zeigt auf eine Mauer.

Leading SAFe (English)

Your course when it comes to gaining a comprehensive insight. Principles, planning cycles and portfolio. Everyone who wants to get started starts here.

Write us!

If you’ve arrived here and haven’t turned any corners along the way, it’s time to write to us! How can we help you? What are you interested in? What’s bothering you? Join our TARDIS.

We look forward to receiving mail!