Schriftmarke der Nerd Reoublic. Die Beratung für New Work und Agilität.

What is


The acronym SAFe stands for the Scaled Agile Framework®. It’s a scaling method for agility, which was developed by Scaled Agile Inc. (SAI) in Boulder, USA. SAFe is particularly effective in medium-sized companies and corporations. The framework offers coherent answers to questions of scaling and combines all elements from team to portfolio level.

The Nerd Republic is a Silver Partner of Scaled Agile Inc.

Die Nerd Republic ist Silberpartner bei der Scaled Agile Inc.

Skalierter agiler Partner in Silber.

Why do organizations opt
for the implementation of


Scaled Agile Inc. presents four success indicators for the implementation of SAFe. The following results are recorded by SAFe for companies that have already completed a successful implementation:

Kreisdiagramm, das Geschäftsmetriken wie Engagement, Markteinführungszeit, Produktivität und Qualität zeigt. Die zugehörigen Prozentsätze zeigen potenzielle Verbesserungen in jedem Bereich auf.


Although these key figures are based on concrete observations, our many years of practical experience show us that their impact on individual companies is more complex and is based on and influenced by various contextual factors. Companies that decide to implement SAFe come to us with a wide variety of real-life challenges:

  • Poor project implementation with considerable additional effort
  • Lack of transparency about ongoing initiatives
  • Overloaded key resources
  • Unreliable delivery capability of the organization
  • Need to coordinate multiple teams
  • Shortening of decision-making processes due to self-management

Zur SAFe-Zertifizierung mit der Nerd Republic!



At the Nerd Republic, you will find numerous certification courses in on-site or remote format, from Leading SAFe to Lean Portfolio Management. For your successful certification, you will be accompanied by one of our experienced trainers who really know their stuff (as evidenced by the consistently top grades given by course participants ;)). All SAFe courses are integrated into our learning platform - the Nerd Academy - where you will find a wide range of information, SAFe practice questions and additional bonus material.
Ein Seifenkiste-Auto fährt eine Straße entlang.

SAFe® POPM (English)

Your course if you want to deliver customer-centric products iteratively in an agile environment.

Groku steht im Wald wie ein junger Scrum Master

SAFe® Scrum Master (English)

Get to know the framework from the perspective of the Scrum Master in this introductory course.

Eine rote Axt steckt in einem Baumstumpf.

SAFe® Lean Portfolio Management (English)

Learn to apply the heavy duty methods of SAFe® in your company portfolio and achieve business agility!

Eine Nahaufnahme eines Kickertisches.

SAFe® for Teams (English)

The SAFe® for Teams course is the ideal course if you are currently introducing SAFe in your organization and want the Agile Release Train to learn and practice PI Planning together. Boost your planning results!

Ein kleiner Junge in einem Superheldenkostüm zeigt auf eine Mauer.

Leading SAFe (English)

Your course when it comes to gaining a comprehensive insight. Principles, planning cycles and portfolio. Everyone who wants to get started starts here.



Ein Seifenkiste-Auto fährt eine Straße entlang.

SAFe® POPM (English)

Your course if you want to deliver customer-centric products iteratively in an agile environment.

Groku steht im Wald wie ein junger Scrum Master

SAFe® Scrum Master (English)

Get to know the framework from the perspective of the Scrum Master in this introductory course.

Eine rote Axt steckt in einem Baumstumpf.

SAFe® Lean Portfolio Management (English)

Learn to apply the heavy duty methods of SAFe® in your company portfolio and achieve business agility!

Eine Nahaufnahme eines Kickertisches.

SAFe® for Teams (English)

The SAFe® for Teams course is the ideal course if you are currently introducing SAFe in your organization and want the Agile Release Train to learn and practice PI Planning together. Boost your planning results!


Ein kleiner Junge in einem Superheldenkostüm zeigt auf eine Mauer.

Leading SAFe (English)

Your course when it comes to gaining a comprehensive insight. Principles, planning cycles and portfolio. Everyone who wants to get started starts here.

Not sure which course is right for you?

Zur SAFe-Zertifizierung mit der Nerd Republic!

SAFe beyond a certification

More Courses

Successful implementation is based on a number of factors. One of them is the realization that certification courses are just one of many steps. At the Nerd Republic, we offer you different formats to train and deepen your agile skills. In addition to customized learning journeys, you will find a selection of our Academy courses and workshops here. These will support you in implementing and developing an agile mindset.
Ein Plakat mit Menschen, die um einen Tisch sitzen für den Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop.

Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop (English)

Enter a new world of leadership and cooperation with this interactive workshop!

Ein Plakat mit Menschen, die um einen Tisch sitzen für den Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop.

Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop (English)

Enter a new world of leadership and cooperation with this interactive workshop!



We also offer all courses as in-house training. These can be held remotely or on site. We are happy to come to you, but can also arrange an attractive “breakout”. We also offer attractive discounts for contingent agreements.
Inhouse Training

Feedback unserer Kursteilnehmer:innen

We are proud of our course feedback

We are particularly proud of the course feedback from our participants. The following categories are collected as part of the course feedback by Scaled Agile Inc. The Nerd Republic thus achieves absolute top marks in the DACH region. Thank you very much!

Total score at the SAI


Training Content and Material


Venue and Facilities


Trainer's Knowledge of Content


Trainer's Facilitation Skills


Total score at the SAI


Training Content and Material


Venue and Facilities


Trainer's Knowledge of Content


Trainer's Facilitation Skills


*As of Feb 24, we regularly pull new values from the Scaled Agile Inc feedback forms for the SAFe courses.

Nothing beats an Agile team ... except a team of Agile teams.

– Dean Leffingwell

How do we support the successful

erfolgreichen­ Implementierung?


As Nerd Republic, we are an established silver partner of Scaled Agile Inc. Our trainers and coaches have also gained in-depth experience in training and implementing SAFe in recent years. We accompany people and organizations comprehensively on the SAFe journey. We focus on supporting you in three areas:


From zero to start with the Nerd Republic. We provide support in the decision-making process, assist with initial assessments and set the course together. This may be starting with value stream mapping or building a strong transformation team with an implementation plan.

Tuning and scaling

Wir eleminieren Sand im Getriebe und tunen bestehende Systeme. Lahme Systeme machen wir flott, arbeiten gemeinsam an der agilen Haltung und unterstützen bei der weiteren Skalierung in der Organisation. Dies kann auch auch die temporäre Übernahme von Rollen sein.

Certification and qualification

In attractive open and in-house courses, we successfully guide participants to SAFe certification. In addition to certification, we also teach advanced and valuable skills in our self-study courses and workshops. We can combine both in tailor-made learning journeys for organizations.



The SAFe implementation can be approached in different ways. We would like to share a few of our success factors with you. You can read our hand-writing from these.


We live and breathe agility

We support you in agile transformation and innovative organizational development. Experienced trainers and coaches are determined to play an active role in shaping your new working world. To this end, we break new ground in collaboration and turn previous structures upside down.

We have already welcomed numerous people to our courses and led them to successful certification. We have implemented SAFe in settings ranging from the corporate level with thousands of employees to small organizations with customized solutions. Partners value our authenticity, our agile mindset and our hands-on mentality.


Noch Fragen?

Ein Mann sitzt mit einem Teller an einem Tisch.

Your contact person

Stefan Hermanns

Dein Ansprechpartner

Stefan Hermanns

Thank you for your interest in SAFe® at the Nerd Republic. As your contact person for SAFe®, I will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.