Hinter dem Akronym SAFe (ausgesprochen wie der der engl. Tresor) versteckt sich das Scaled Agile Framework®. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Skalierungsmethode für Agilität, welche durch die Scaled Agile Inc. (SAI) aus Boulder, USA entwickelt wurde. SAFe entfaltet seine Kraft insbesondere in Unternehmen mittlerer Größe, wie auch in Konzernen. Das Framework bietet stimmige Antworten zu Fragen der Skalierung und verbindet in sich alle Elemente von Team bis zur Portfolio-Ebene.
OKR puts the entire company on the starting blocks. With a common goal in mind, it’s off to “Go!”.
So then: define your goals, get set, go!
Was sind
Objectives and Key Results (OKR) ist ein bewährtes Management-Framework, das dir hilft, klare, messbare und inspirierende Ziele zu setzen und zu erreichen. Mit OKR kannst du sicherstellen, dass alle Teams an denselben Prioritäten arbeiten und ihre Fortschritte kontinuierlich im Blick haben und anpassen.
What are
Was sind
Was sind OKR?
Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a tried-and-tested management framework that helps you to set and achieve clear, measurable and inspiring goals. With OKR, you can ensure that all teams work on the same priorities and continuously monitor and adjust their progress.
Where do we want to go?
Key Results
How do we measure whether we are on the way there?
Ideas / Initiatives
What do we do for it?
übersetzt in einen iterativen Lernzyklus

Where to apply OKR?
We create clarity about the relevant things in order to achieve our goals
Many organizations find themselves overwhelmed:
- There is a great amount of work to do, but human and financial resources are very limited
- No or too little integration of strategy and “daily business”
- Diffusion of responsibility between individuals, teams and departments
- Missing or inadequate metrics that indicate progress or draw attention to challenges
- Highly strained employees
In connection with OKR, we use the acronym “FACTS”:
- Focus: Focus on the right topics and consistently drive their implementation
- Alignment: aligning the work of all employees with the company's goals
- Commitment: clear responsibilities for set goals and commitment to their implementation
- Trackability: continuous measurability of achieved progress
- Stretch: encouraging ambition and surpassing oneself without overstretching oneself
Ideas are easy, execution is everything.
– John Doerr
What advantages
do OKR bring?
Welche Vorteile bringen OKR mit?
With the Nerd Republic to your own
Objective and Key Results
Do you just want to get a taste or go straight into training and implementation in the organization? At the Nerd Republic you will find approaches in different formats, tailored to your challenges.

OKR Master Training
Our OKR workshop is designed for individuals or small groups who want to learn more about OKR. The first day of the workshop will guide you through the basics and enable you to work successfully with OKR. If you continue with the optional second day, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the framework and the process.

OKR Support
In OKR support, we introduce OKR together with and for you. We have a core concept for this and no standardized approach. We meet you where you are and work with you on your individual path - regardless of whether you are already an agile professional, work with Scrum or have no agile experience at all. In the end, our goal is always for the system to be self-sustained through you and without us.
OKR Master training at the Nerd Republic
Become an OKR professional
In our OKR Master training course , you will learn how Objectives & Key Results work as a holistic management system, what framework conditions are required for this and how you can provide your organization with targeted support when introducing OKRs.
Participants in the OKR Master training are often:
- Scrum masters, agile coaches, project managers
- Employees from People & Culture and HR teams
- Employees in assistance & interim positions
- Employees from governance, management and strategy areas
…and many other roles & positions. After all, where you come from is much less important than where you want to go. That’s why you’ve come to the right place if you want to make a difference.
OKR Master-Ausbildung in der Nerd Republic
Werde zu einem OKR-Profi
In unserer OKR Master-Ausbildung lernst du, wie Objectives & Key Results als ganzheitliches Steuerungssystem funktionieren, welche Rahmenbedingungen es dafür braucht und wie du deine Organisation bei der Einführung von OKRs gezielt unterstützen kannst.
Teilnehmer:innen des OKR Master-Trainings sind häufig:
- Scrum Master, Agile Coaches, Projektmanager:innen
- Mitarbeitende aus People & Culture und HR-Teams
- Mitarbeitende in Assistenz- & Schnittstellenpositionen
…und viele weitere Rollen & Positionen. Denn im Grunde ist es viel weniger wichtig, wo du herkommst, als wo du hin möchtest. Deshalb bist du bei uns vor allem richtig, wenn du etwas bewegen möchtest.
We cover the following topics in our two-day interactive workshop for the OKR Master
Day 1
Agility and an agile mindset
Mission statement pyramid: vision, mission, strategy
What are OKR?
Roles and responsibilities
Prerequisites for introduction
Day 2
Formulate good O and KR
Measuring progress and performance
OKR process and its meetings in detail
OKR Planning Workshop process
Best practices and hurdles during implementation
Would you like to get to know OKR at your own pace? Then join our self-study course at the Nerd Academy. If you decide to do the OKR training later, we will refund you the cost of the self-study course!
Prefer to learn at your own pace?
Successful OKR implementation
The Nerd Republic is your reliable partner when it comes to introducing OKR. We would be happy to discuss your project without any obligations. Here, you will find the cornerstones of our approach.
Strategic mission statement
The mission statement is the starting point for any OKR support. It defines, for example, the vision (where do we want to go and why?) and the strategy (how do we get there?). This compass provides orientation for all employees. With the strategic mission statement, we address the organization’s managers and create the foundation for OKR.
Ignite the OKR fire
With our support, we light the fire for OKR among employees. Objectives and Key Results is an incredibly inspiring framework that creates clear goals and focus. We integrate numerous eye-opening moments into our interactive workshops and bring the framework to life for the teams.
Development of internal competence
Our goal is to ultimately make ourselves obsolete. Sounds strange at first, but our aim is to ensure that the system is self-sustaining internally. To this end, we train internal method experts – the so-called OKR Ambassadors. These are the “guardians of the system” and are tasked with orchestrating and developing this system for you in the long term.
More than just training
It is important for us to be perceived as partners during our support. That’s why we don’t just jump in for the workshop and then leave. Even after the initial implementation, we are still available for you via our office hours – after all, questions and challenges might arise from time to time in which case having an “outside” perspective can be helpful.