Schriftmarke der Nerd Reoublic. Die Beratung für New Work und Agilität.



Wir können eine ganze Menge. Angefangen von Gartendesign und Beton gießen, bis rüber zur Filmproduktion, Karaoke singen, Kite surfen und Gedichte von Heinz Erhardt aufsagen. Das hilft schon in zahlreichen Lebenslagen. Für den Rest findest du an dieser Stelle unser Angebot im Rahmen der Nerd Republic.


are your takeaway

Would you rather enjoy our courses and workshops in the comfort of your own company? No problem! Our in-house courses are your take-away menu.
Eine mit dampfenden Nudeln gefüllte, mit Gemüse und Koriander garnierte Take-away-Box steht teilweise geöffnet auf einem Holztisch neben einer geschlossenen Take-away-Box mit chinesischen Schriftzeichen. Essstäbchen liegen in der Nähe.

What's on our

In-house Menu?

Generally, you will find all the courses we offer at the Nerd Academy in a face-to-face format on our in-house menu. These are, for example, our OKR and Management 3.0 courses as well as courses from the Scaled Agile Framework, such as Leading SAFe, SAFe POPM or SAFe Lean Portfolio Management.


For you and your team

In addition to standardized courses, one of our core competencies is to develop customized courses and workshops for you and your team. With a special touch of “nerdiness”, we create highly interactive workshops that help to bring agility and New Work to life.

Benefits upon benefits at your workshop

Eating in your own cafeteria and sleeping in your own bed are nice perks of doing in-house courses. At the Nerd Republic though, we have a lot more in store for you.

Bei uns brauchst du die Hütte nicht mit 20 Personen vollzumachen. Wir kommen auch für kleine Gruppen vorbei. Im Gespräch zeigen wir dir auf, welche Mindestgröße wir für welchen Kurs für eine inhaltlich sinnvolle Durchführung brauchen.

Du bist spontan hier gelandet und hast jetzt irgendwie Lust, gleich was zu starten? Kein Problem. Wir sind in der Regel auch sehr kurzfristig verfügbar und können dein Verlangen nach Lernen stillen.

Unsere eingesetzten Trainer:innen sind top. Zauberlehrlinge bleiben bei uns in Hogwarts. Es kann natürlich mal sein, dass wir dem Meister einen Padawan mitgeben, um im Pairing zu lernen. Das wird von uns aber niemals berechnet.

Wir sollten noch etwas wissen, das für die Durchführung des Workshops relevant sein könnte oder auf einen bestimmten Case eingehen? Das ist kein Problem. Für uns ist das ein selbstverständlicher Service, dass wir uns für eine Vor- und eine Nachbesprechung noch extra Zeit nehmen.

Wir halten es so einfach wie möglich, schnell und easy ist unsere Devise. Ganz ehrlich: wir haben keine Ahnung, was da sonst so abgeht. Wir bekommen immer gesagt, dass die Arbeit mit uns so angenehm unkompliziert ist. Unsere letzte Kundin hat gesagt, das sollen wir hier auf jeden Fall auch hinschreiben. Danke für den Hinweis Hanna.

Wir lassen dich nicht im Regen stehen. Bei allen Themen, die wir schulen, können wir dich auch in Folgeschritten inhaltlich begleiten. Das muss natürlich nicht sein, kann es aber. Nutzen wir also die Chance und lernen uns kennen.

Small and sweet

With us, you don't need to fill the hut with 20 people. We can also accommodate small groups. In a consultation, we will show you what minimum size we need for which course to ensure that the content makes sense.

Available at short notice

You landed here spontaneously and somehow feel like starting something right away? No problem. We are usually available at very short notice and can satisfy your desire to learn.

Top Trainers

Our trainers are top-notch. Apprentice wizards stay with us at Hogwarts. Of course, we may sometimes assign a padawan to the master to learn in pairing. But we never charge for this.

Pre- and debriefings

There's something else we need to know that could be relevant to the workshop or a specific case? That's not a problem. For us, it's a matter of principle to take extra time for a pre- and post-workshop discussion.

Fast invoice, uncomplicated process

We keep it as simple as possible, quick and easy is our motto. To be honest: we have no idea what the rest is like. We are always told that working with us is so pleasantly uncomplicated. Our last customer said we should definitely write that here too. Thanks for the tip Hanna.

Training and that's it?

We won't leave you standing in the rain. For all topics that we are training, we can also provide you with follow-up support. Of course, this doesn't have to be the case, but it can be. So let's take the opportunity to get to know each other.


as transparent
as frosted glass

Since your father probably wasn’t a glassmaker, we at least try to give you as much price transparency as we can. At the Nerd Republic, everyone stands in the same queue and everyone gets the same price. This means we are also quick to give you a price. You won’t find any hidden follow-up costs with us. Our prices always include:

  • All costs for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the courses
  • Normal reasonable travel costs
  • The regenerative compensation of the CO2 resulting from the trip
  • All potential license costs to third parties
  • Administrative handling for the course such as invitations, communication etc.

training locations

We build your in-house Shangri-La

We run our in-house courses remotely or at your location. Let us know if you would like to combine the course with a team building or off-site event. We are happy to make suggestions for attractive locations, integrate the content into your overall event or take all the planning off your shoulders. From evening events and key notes to canoe trips across the Rhine, we will help you to unite heart, body and soul.

The Nerd Republic in your

Training catalog!

Sometimes you don’t need that one in-house course, but the comforting certainty that you could if you wanted to. Let’s talk about implementing our courses in your organization’s training catalog. We have attractive contingents with tiered pricing for this partnership.

You can decide whether you want to book a contingent of courses or a contingent of freely selectable seats for our public offer. This gives you maximum flexibility and helps you, for example, to integrate the content into the onboarding of new employees or a trainee program.

What are the logistics of a good workshop?


Usually it doesn’t take much. We can manage with a warm fire and a guitar to get our message across. But sometimes it takes a bit more. We are quite easy to work with and are happy to discuss everything with you in detail. Here you can find an impression of what to look out for.

Workshop Logistics

Noch Fragen?

Katharina Bals

Your contact person

Kathi Bals

Dein Ansprechpartner

Stefan Hermanns

Thank you for your interest in our in-house courses. As the owner of the Workshop Happiness role, I am happy to answer any further questions you may have.