Schriftmarke der Nerd Reoublic. Die Beratung für New Work und Agilität.





Wir können eine ganze Menge. Angefangen von Gartendesign und Beton gießen, bis rüber zur Filmproduktion, Karaoke singen, Kite surfen und Gedichte von Heinz Erhardt aufsagen. Das hilft schon in zahlreichen Lebenslagen. Für den Rest findest du an dieser Stelle unsere Lösungen im Rahmen der Nerd Republic.

We are aware of our responsibility

and act­ accordingly

We believe that there are and need to be better ways of doing business. It is not just our use of scarce resources that needs a new start, but our entire understanding of economic activity. The extreme climate changes are enormous.

Nevertheless, we sometimes find it difficult to understand the urgency and make things that are further in the distance a priority. But the problem is there and the scientific community agrees!

On this page we would like to show you our impact.

– Kathi (Tomorrow Manager) and Stefan (Founder)

We show

Our Colors!

It takes more than short-term profit thinking in a profit-maximizing business world. When we founded the Nerd Republic, we already knew that this was not the “soul” of the organization. We want to prove that modern companies can operate sustainably and still be profitable.

In our search for like-minded people, we quickly came across B Lab. Together with strong partners, we are working on a new business world in which organizations are aware of their social and ecological responsibility.

Certified B Corp

The B in B Corp

stands for Benefit!

B Lab™ is the non-profit network transforming the global economy for the benefit of all people, communities and the planet. The international network of organizations is leading economic systemic change.

The members of this network are also known as B Corps. What these organizations have in common is that they are all committed to an inclusive, fair and regenerative economy. As a global community, each member organization meets the highest social and environmental standards.

Five Impact Areas
For Companies

Each B Corp is measured in these five categories

Ein moderner Konferenzraum mit großen Fenstern, einem Holztisch, sechs roten Stühlen, zwei Hängelampen und einem Fernseher auf einer Konsole an der Wand.

Corporate management

The management of the company should take all interest groups into account and harmonize them as far as possible.
Drei Personen sitzen dicht beieinander und zeigen auf einen Laptop-Bildschirm. Zwei haben ihre Hände auf der Tastatur, während die dritte Person auf den Bildschirm zeigt.


The company should have a positive impact on the lives of its customers.
Ein dichter Wald mit hohen Bäumen, getaucht in sanftes Sonnenlicht, das durch den Nebel fällt. Der Boden ist mit grünem Laub und Pflanzen bedeckt.


The company sets priorities and aligns its actions with the protection of the planet.
Person mit einer schwarzen Mütze und dem Satz „LIEBE DEINEN NACHBARN“ in gelben Buchstaben, die im Freien inmitten einer verschwommenen Menschenmenge sitzt.


The company recognizes its responsibility to society and actively makes a positive contribution.
Vier Leute sitzen mit Laptops um einen Tisch, unterhalten sich und lachen in einer Bibliothek mit zahlreichen Büchern und Akten in den Regalen.


The company actively looks after its employees and helps to improve their lives and well-being.
Ein moderner Konferenzraum mit großen Fenstern, einem Holztisch, sechs roten Stühlen, zwei Hängelampen und einem Fernseher auf einer Konsole an der Wand.

Corporate management

The management of the company should take all interest groups into account and harmonize them as far as possible.
Drei Personen sitzen dicht beieinander und zeigen auf einen Laptop-Bildschirm. Zwei haben ihre Hände auf der Tastatur, während die dritte Person auf den Bildschirm zeigt.


The company should have a positive impact on the lives of its customers.
Ein dichter Wald mit hohen Bäumen, getaucht in sanftes Sonnenlicht, das durch den Nebel fällt. Der Boden ist mit grünem Laub und Pflanzen bedeckt.


The company sets priorities and aligns its actions with the protection of the planet.
Person mit einer schwarzen Mütze und dem Satz „LIEBE DEINEN NACHBARN“ in gelben Buchstaben, die im Freien inmitten einer verschwommenen Menschenmenge sitzt.


The company recognizes its responsibility to society and actively makes a positive contribution.
Vier Leute sitzen mit Laptops um einen Tisch, unterhalten sich und lachen in einer Bibliothek mit zahlreichen Büchern und Akten in den Regalen.


The company actively looks after its employees and helps to improve their lives and well-being.

Proud to be
a B Corp

Proud to be a

Proud to be a B Corp

We became a B Corp in May 2024! Achieving this extraordinary certification requires much more than ticking a few boxes or paying a large sum of money.
The process that B Corps have to go through is complex, detailed and, at first glance, perhaps even a little petty. On the other hand, it also ensures that the title is an achievement that only those who really, really care will receive.

Our B Corp Profile
Certified B Corp Logo
Ein Diagramm mit einer schwarzen horizontalen Linie und drei violetten Rechtecken in der Mitte, beschriftet mit HSV 272°, 84 %, 54,9 %, das einen Farbtonwert darstellt.

The B Corp scale ranges from 0 to 200 points. 80 points must be achieved to be a successful B Corp. The average score of common organizations is 50.9.

The Nerd Republic has achieved a score of 91.3 points – and without wanting to brag, we can say that this makes us damn proud.

Achieve your B Impact Score with us!


A small excerpt from our network of more than 8500 companies worldwide.

TicketTailor-Logo mit einem stilisierten Ticketsymbol links neben dem Text.
Das Bild zeigt ein weißes „yfood“-Logo mit einem eingetragenen Markensymbol auf schwarzem Hintergrund.
Weißes „Patagonia“-Logo in Kleinbuchstaben auf schwarzem Hintergrund.
„Just Spices“-Logo in fetten, weißen Buchstaben mit der Abbildung eines Gewürzstreuers, der Gewürze verstreut, über dem Buchstaben „I“.
Logo mit dem Wort „Ricola“ in fetten, weißen, kursiven Buchstaben.
Logo mit dem Wort „Bugaboo“ in Kleinbuchstaben mit einem in die Buchstaben integrierten Wirbeldesign, alles in Weiß auf transparentem Hintergrund.
Textlogo mit der Aufschrift „mymuesli“ in fetten, abgerundeten, weißen Buchstaben auf transparentem Hintergrund.
Logo von Innocent Drinks, mit einem einfachen Cartoon-Gesicht mit Heiligenschein neben dem Wort „innocent“ in Kleinbuchstaben.

Not the end, but

The start of a journey

The B Corp Assessment is the start of an ongoing journey with an incredibly great network. We learn new things every day, explore alternatives and are always looking for new ways that are better, more sustainable and more socially just. In three years, we will be reevaluated. We aim high and aim for the 100-point mark in our next development step.

What are we already doing as an organization?

Serving all stakeholders

As part of our B Corp certification, we have amended our shareholder agreement. This now obliges the managing directors to weigh up the impact of their actions on the shareholders, employees and suppliers, customers, the common good and the environment. This applies to both short-term and long-term actions. This means that the focus is no longer purely on profit, but on the common good of all members of society.

Mobile work and trust

The Nerd Republic is not limited to one workplace. We promote mobile working, especially as digitalization offers numerous opportunities in this area. We combine this with trust-based working hours and can therefore meet personal needs. We want to improve working conditions, promote work-life balance and strengthen employees’ autonomy.

Vacation flat rate

We have decided not to impose any restrictions on vacation times. All employees have the freedom to go on vacation as long and as often as they need to. It may seem surprising, but grown-up people are actually able to balance their needs and the demands of work. Our philosophy is that a respectful approach to the individual needs and life situations of our employees not only contributes to their satisfaction, but also increases productivity and commitment to the company in the long term.

Public transport

We are organized decentrally, but our customers are spread all over Germany. We travel to customer appointments by public transport. We don’t use cars, and we don’t fly within Germany. As a matter of principle, we offset the CO2 emissions caused by our travels with renewable energy. This means that we don’t just pay the offset to be neutral, we offset twice the amount.

Regenerative approach

Offsetting as a direction towards climate neutrality is a great start, but should not be the only measure. We are trying to reduce or, where possible, completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 does not care where it is offset. However, we believe that promoting projects on the other side of the world as cheaply as possible has something of the modern indulgence trade about it. What cannot (yet) be reduced and eliminated is compensated twice by us in a regenerative way. We are already offsetting our trips with renewable energy. In the next step, we want to offset all of the remaining emissions.

Our compensation certificate

Bonus for everyone!

We don’t get caught up in complicated bonus payments and annual targets, which basically lead to destructive actions. Instead, we form three pots: 1) Growth of the Nerd Republic, 2) Bonuses to employees and 3) Social projects. Every six months, we determine the percentage distribution in the pots. After each quarter, the profits are distributed to the pots accordingly. Everyone participates equally in the employee bonus. In addition, everyone can present social projects from their personal environment for support.

Bei einer Veranstaltung im Freien steht eine große, gemischte Menschenmenge dicht beieinander, viele haben die Hände erhoben, jubeln und lächeln.

Serving all stakeholders

As part of our B Corp certification, we have amended our shareholder agreement. This now obliges the managing directors to weigh up the impact of their actions on the shareholders, employees and suppliers, customers, the common good and the environment. This applies to both short-term and long-term actions. This means that the focus is no longer purely on profit, but on the common good of all members of society.
Ein Holztisch mit einem geöffneten Laptop, einem Glas Milch und Topfpflanzen in einer sonnigen Umgebung im Freien.

Mobile work and trust

The Nerd Republic is not limited to one workplace. We promote mobile working, especially as digitalization offers numerous opportunities in this area. We combine this with trust-based working hours and can therefore meet personal needs. We want to improve working conditions, promote work-life balance and strengthen employees' autonomy.
Menschen an einem Strand mit Kitesurfdrachen am Himmel, vor der Kulisse von Hügeln und einem bewölkten Himmel bei Sonnenuntergang.

Vacation flat rate

We have decided not to impose any restrictions on vacation times. All employees have the freedom to go on vacation as long and as often as they need to. It may seem surprising, but grown-up people are actually able to balance their needs and the demands of work. Our philosophy is that a respectful approach to the individual needs and life situations of our employees not only contributes to their satisfaction, but also increases productivity and commitment to the company in the long term.
Ein Zug, der eine weiße Rauchfahne hinterlässt, überquert ein hohes, gewölbtes Steinviadukt inmitten einer malerischen, nebligen Landschaft aus Hügeln und Grün.

Public transport

We are organized decentrally, but our customers are spread all over Germany. We travel to customer appointments by public transport. We don't use cars, and we don't fly within Germany. As a matter of principle, we offset the CO2 emissions caused by our travels with renewable energy. This means that we don't just pay the offset to be neutral, we offset twice the amount.
Nahaufnahme junger grüner Pflanzen mit zarten Blättern, die im Boden wachsen und neues Wachstum hervorheben.

Regenerative approach

Offsetting as a direction towards climate neutrality is a great start, but should not be the only measure. We are trying to reduce or, where possible, completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 does not care where it is offset. However, we believe that promoting projects on the other side of the world as cheaply as possible has something of the modern indulgence trade about it. What cannot (yet) be reduced and eliminated is compensated twice by us in a regenerative way. We are already offsetting our trips with renewable energy. In the next step, we want to offset all of the remaining emissions.
Our compensation certificate
Eine Gruppe junger Fußballspieler in schwarz-weiß-roten Trikots kämpft an einem sonnigen Tag auf einem grünen Feld intensiv um den Ball.

Bonus for everyone!

We don't get caught up in complicated bonus payments and annual targets, which basically lead to destructive actions. Instead, we form three pots: 1) Growth of the Nerd Republic, 2) Bonuses to employees and 3) Social projects. Every six months, we determine the percentage distribution in the pots. After each quarter, the profits are distributed to the pots accordingly. Everyone participates equally in the employee bonus. In addition, everyone can present social projects from their personal environment for support.

You want to become B Corp too?


Let’s be honest – certification processes are always time-consuming, complex and perhaps not always so easy to understand at times. That’s why we’ve looked for a way to make the process as simple as possible for prospective B Corps.
In a self-learning workshop we have designed, the entire process is explained to you step by step and takes you with us every step of the way. With tips and our experience, we take you by the hand towards your own certification. If you also need a personal exchange, we are happy to be there for you.
We can already assure you of one thing: if you still have any questions about B Lab and B Corp, our course will clear them up.
In addition to the self-study course, we invite you to our two-day sustainability workshop. In an interactive exchange, we will expand the space for sustainability together and show you that there is more to it than just counting CO2. Secure one of the limited places now.

Zu deiner ZertifizierungAbout your certificationInteractive workshop
Katharina Bals

Your contact person

Kathi Bals

Dein Ansprechpartner

Stefan Hermanns

I am delighted that you are interested in sustainability issues and that you are involved in Nerd Republic's journey towards becoming a more sustainable company. As your main point of contact for all sustainability topics, I am happy to answer any further questions you may have.