Wir können eine ganze Menge. Angefangen von Gartendesign und Beton gießen, bis rüber zur Filmproduktion, Karaoke singen, Kite surfen und Gedichte von Heinz Erhardt aufsagen. Das hilft schon in zahlreichen Lebenslagen. Für den Rest findest du an dieser Stelle unsere Lösungen im Rahmen der Nerd Republic.
We are aware of our responsibility
and act accordingly
We believe that there are and need to be better ways of doing business. It is not just our use of scarce resources that needs a new start, but our entire understanding of economic activity. The extreme climate changes are enormous.
Nevertheless, we sometimes find it difficult to understand the urgency and make things that are further in the distance a priority. But the problem is there and the scientific community agrees!
On this page we would like to show you our impact.
– Kathi (Tomorrow Manager) and Stefan (Founder)
We show
Our Colors!
It takes more than short-term profit thinking in a profit-maximizing business world. When we founded the Nerd Republic, we already knew that this was not the “soul” of the organization. We want to prove that modern companies can operate sustainably and still be profitable.
In our search for like-minded people, we quickly came across B Lab. Together with strong partners, we are working on a new business world in which organizations are aware of their social and ecological responsibility.
The B in B Corp
stands for Benefit!
B Lab™ is the non-profit network transforming the global economy for the benefit of all people, communities and the planet. The international network of organizations is leading economic systemic change.
The members of this network are also known as B Corps. What these organizations have in common is that they are all committed to an inclusive, fair and regenerative economy. As a global community, each member organization meets the highest social and environmental standards.
Five Impact Areas
For Companies
For Companies
Each B Corp is measured in these five categories

Corporate management




Proud to be
a B Corp
Proud to be a
Proud to be a B Corp
We became a B Corp in May 2024! Achieving this extraordinary certification requires much more than ticking a few boxes or paying a large sum of money.
The process that B Corps have to go through is complex, detailed and, at first glance, perhaps even a little petty. On the other hand, it also ensures that the title is an achievement that only those who really, really care will receive.

The B Corp scale ranges from 0 to 200 points. 80 points must be achieved to be a successful B Corp. The average score of common organizations is 50.9.
The Nerd Republic has achieved a score of 91.3 points – and without wanting to brag, we can say that this makes us damn proud.
Achieve your B Impact Score with us!
A small excerpt from our network of more than 8500 companies worldwide.
Not the end, but
The start of a journey
The B Corp Assessment is the start of an ongoing journey with an incredibly great network. We learn new things every day, explore alternatives and are always looking for new ways that are better, more sustainable and more socially just. In three years, we will be reevaluated. We aim high and aim for the 100-point mark in our next development step.
What are we already doing as an organization?
You want to become B Corp too?
Let’s be honest – certification processes are always time-consuming, complex and perhaps not always so easy to understand at times. That’s why we’ve looked for a way to make the process as simple as possible for prospective B Corps.
In a self-learning workshop we have designed, the entire process is explained to you step by step and takes you with us every step of the way. With tips and our experience, we take you by the hand towards your own certification. If you also need a personal exchange, we are happy to be there for you.
We can already assure you of one thing: if you still have any questions about B Lab and B Corp, our course will clear them up.
In addition to the self-study course, we invite you to our two-day sustainability workshop. In an interactive exchange, we will expand the space for sustainability together and show you that there is more to it than just counting CO2. Secure one of the limited places now.